Medical Qigong is an ancient form of Chinese energetic medicine, it involves working with a person's specific needs on balancing and harmonizing their vital Qi (Chi) or electromagnetic energy. This energy surrounds and encompasses all living creatures. Disturbances throughout our lives are found in the electromagnetic energy, they arise from poor diet, injuries, trauma, sedentary lifestyle, emotional suppression, surgery and aging to name a few. When the energetic flow of communication becomes blocked, dis-ease can form within the body. The goal of Qigong is to open and correct these bio-energetic pathways that have led to imbalances and blockages, thereby creating harmonic flow to allow the body to receive proper communication and drop back into a natural state of balance and health. This enables the body to strengthen and regulate the internal organs, the nervous system and the immune system, relieve pain, regulate hormones, and strengthen and release deep-seated emotions and stress.
The client is looked at as a whole, encompassing their life specifically, to recognize the root cause and what is best for their exact set of needs. By uncovering the root, the healing will begin. After spending time to understand and discover the needs of the client we will move to the table to listen to their energetics and what that part is communicating. From here a clearer picture will show itself and the process of regulating the clients Qi will begin. To bring it all together and to maintain balance going forward, the designing of an individualized set of Qigong practices that will focus on physical movements, breathing methods, mental intentions or activities to correct and restore the function in the body will be given to the client.
Medical Qigong can be practiced in addition to Western medicine, especially with conditions that are ambiguous or resistant to Western medicine. Sessions will last right around 2 hours. Medical Qigong is a form of healthcare that enables the client to take the power of healing into their own hands. Patterns we have chosen for years can naturally gravitate us back into ways that have led us into disharmony but with gentle new understandings and the unblocking of Qi flow the body will continue to find increased levels of coherence. The purpose is always to bring us into our natural state of balance, harmony and vitality. And through the custom practices given for self healing maintenance, the client can create a new homeostasis point of proper communication within their system. Sometimes that takes one session and sometimes that takes more, always depending on the specifics of the client.
My name is Tyler Smith and I am grateful to share medical Qigong, a practice that changed my life, with you. It helped to restore me after a car crash, where I sustained severe brain trauma, went into a coma and had a major loss of motor and mental functioning along with a multitude of other emotional, psychological and physiological side effects. I have practiced Qigong for 10 years, have my Masters in Medical Qigong and work with a wide variety of people to promote overall health, balance, presence and vitality within their lives. I believe we all have different levels of contrast that have entered our lives and that these “challenges” can and will (with the right support and mindset) bring about great opportunities for growth into levels of potential we never thought before.
Tyler Smith Masters Medical Qigong (MMQ)